HR FOCUS: Independent Human Resource Services


Training builds valuable skills and capabilities, tailored to the needs of the business. By advising on the key areas of induction, training needs analysis, and training programme development, HR Focus will show you how to make the most productive use of limited budgets.


Induction is the process of introducing new recruits to an organisation, or existing employees to a new job or department. When people are given well-focused induction training, they

  • settle into their positions more quickly
  • become productive sooner
  • learn new skills more readily.

HR Focus will provide you with a reliable framework for induction training, embracing

  • clarifying employees' contract terms
  • orientation — your organisation's way of doing business; its goals, values and expectations; and who's in charge of what
  • defining employees' roles — what they are expected to do, how they are expected to do it, and what support and tools are at their disposal
  • integrating employees with their new teams.

Training needs analysis

Businesses never stand still, and as business needs change, so too do the requirements of individual jobs. Ensuring that your employees are able to deal with changing requirements and new responsibilities demands a regular review of their competencies and the training they may need to address any gaps in knowledge or skills.

HR Focus will set you up with a planned approach to analysing training needs across your organisation, integrated with your performance management or employee review and appraisal system.

Training programmes

Having established what training is required and for whom, you need to plan for how the training will be sourced, delivered, and evaluated. For example, should you develop programmes in-house, or buy services and materials from outside contractors?

HR Focus will enable you to make this kind of decision, to plan and arrange training, and to measure the success of training — ensuring that the time and money spent are ultimately beneficial to the business. To cap it all, we will show you how to maintain the typical training records that are appropriate to certification or approval schemes such as ISO 9000 and Investors In People.

If you would like to train your people by cost-effective means to do their jobs well, contact us for all the support you need.

E-mail: dom at
Tel & Fax: 01896 756398
Middle Holmleigh
Melrose Road

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